
the info you need to know

von Joern
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You want to show only the featured section on all pages, but not the headline? If this is the case, I got an idea! I would put the featured section into the sidebar.php. Setting the condition to show only if it's not home, it will come only on all other…

von blogdot admin
Kommentare deaktiviert für barry bonds mistress

Barry Bonds’s former longtime girlfriend (1993 to 2003), Kimberly Bell, will appear 'wearing nothing at all'? in the November issue of Playboy... the streets say... Can we believe this?

von blogdot admin
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Ich habe soeben WP-Translate installiert. Damit kann man mit Hilfe vom Google-Spachservice  seine Wordpress - Seite übersetzen. Das eingedeutschte Plugin gibt's hier: http://www.bueltge.de/wp-site-uebersetzen/48/ , Danke.