
the info you need to know

von Joern
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If you use a plugin to display social bookmarks and also use the Arthemia free theme, you might get some icons displayed twice.Here I explain how to remove the social icons which are hardcoded into single.php of Arthemia theme.Open up single.php with any text editor and find a line with…

von Joern
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the problem with featured content gallery seems to be just a problem of css styling. The plugin you use puts the gallery into a div id="featured". In arthemias style.css is #featured formatted to float right. Not using the featured stuff of arthemia you can try to delete all after #featured…

von Joern
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xavodim.com erklärt in seinem Artikel, wie man zu den verschiedenen Bookmarking - Services einen Linkbutton in seine Posts einfügt. Dort findet man den Code für Del.icio.us, Furl, Spurl, Digg, und reddit. Oder man nimmt eines der vielen Plugins: Add social book mark text links at the bottom of each post…