
The e-mail/username information submitted could not be found

von Joern am 2. Jun. 2013 | Keine Kommentare

After migrating from bbPress to phpBB3 I realized that formerly ‚registerd users‘ had to retrieve their password by using ‚I forgot my password‚ and entering their user name and the e-mail adress they used before.

This is something I can live with, but old users can’t use reset password and retrieve a new password with their old login/user name, they got an Error:

The e-mail/username information submitted could not be found

In my phpBB sql (via phpMyAdmin) I found that the column user_email was correctly filled, but there was no user_email_hash created, the field showed ‚0‘
Actually the converting from bbPress to phpBB missed this…

To match a username with the according e-mail phpBB3 checks the username_clean against the user_email_hash.

I found a SQL query to fix the problem!! (thanks: Re: The e-mail/username information submitted could not be found)

Now, how to generate the needed email_hash fields from the listed e-mail adresses:

BACKUP first by exporting (in worst case you can import all back…)

run following SQL query script in table phpbb_users:


update phpbb_users set user_email_hash = concat(crc32(lower(user_email)), length(user_email));

Now the user_email_hash should be created, I tested this with an account I used as registered user.

Clear the cache after running the query before trying to login!!

After filling the form ‚I forgot my password‘ with username and e-mail I there appeared the message:

A new password was sent to your registered e-mail address.

you get an email ‚New password activation‘ with: To use the new password you need to activate it. To do this click the link
provided below.

Using the link the message apppears: Your new password has been activated.

Now you can log in with your old user name and the new password you got in the e-mail

Success: You have been successfully logged in.

I think my old users are able now to login again…
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