
Re: question about copying code from one DIV to another DIV :: Reply by omerkhan01

von Joern am 15. Mai. 2012 | Keine Kommentare

Yes I figured it out. I had to copy the class that , the subscribe form was inside of to have all of the stylesheet effects applied. I am becoming a Genius like you Masteradmin.

(von: omerkhan01)

Hier noch 2 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

question about copying code from one DIV to another DIV

15. Mai. 2012 (von: omerkhan01)

Masteradmin,Here is the site in question.As you can see at the bottom, in the footer div, there is a div class called "subscribe" for the subscribe box. I simply want to know how to move the subscribe box to the…

Re: question about copying code from one DIV to another DIV :: Reply by master

16. Mai. 2012 (von: master)

I am not a genius..It's not that hard to become good like me ____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →


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