
Re: increasing pixels in an image :: Reply by kinyofu

von Joern am 29. Mrz. 2012 | Keine Kommentare

Joern, I think I love you. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

:)) :)) :))

(von: kinyofu)

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increasing pixels in an image

28. Mrz. 2012 (von: kinyofu)

Hi Joern, I hope you are well. I am not sure if you can answer this, but I will give it a shot.My site: choosetoevolve.comI made a logo in Publisher, took a screen copy of image and placed it in…

Re: increasing pixels in an image :: Reply by Joern

28. Mrz. 2012 (von: Joern)

you might try to disable the theme's cropping tool and haeder image stuff..In header.php of yoko you find close to the end of that file<!--end header image-->the header image is created in the 10 lines above, starting after '-end site…

Re: increasing pixels in an image :: Reply by Joern

29. Mrz. 2012 (von: Joern)

@Kinyofutry this image, I scaled it up somehow..it is a .gif file!! means in header you have to change the filenamehere the link:image/BW_logo.gifor what about that?image/BW_logo_color.gif____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →


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