to make it short (eg: I didn’t test)
to show your latest post in headline, no matter which category:
in header.php is the query for headline posts, this query checks for the category you choose for headlines, should be now like this:
//Get value from Admin Panel
$cp_categories = get_categories(‚hide_empty=0‘);
$ar_headline = get_settings( "ar_headline" );
if( $ar_headline == 0 ) { $ar_headline = $cp_categories[0]->cat_ID; }
query_posts( ’showposts=1&cat=‘ . $ar_headline );
change just the query_posts line to get:
//Get value from Admin Panel
$cp_categories = get_categories(‚hide_empty=0‘);
$ar_headline = get_settings( "ar_headline" );
if( $ar_headline == 0 ) { $ar_headline = $cp_categories[0]->cat_ID; }
query_posts( ’showposts=1′ );
this should show your latest post only ..
Featured stay as you set the category ..
In the ‚front-list‘ in index.php are all posts from your featured and headline category excluded, so these post will not show up twice.
BUT your post from the new headline, your latest post, will show (if it’s not in headline or featured category)
You could avoid this by starting the front-list at the second post only (offset=1)
this is done in index.php where you should have now:
<?php query_posts(array(
‚category__not_in‘ => array($ar_headline,$ar_featured),
’showposts‘ => 1,
)); ?>
here you add the offset like this:
<?php query_posts(array(
‚category__not_in‘ => array($ar_headline,$ar_featured),
’showposts‘ => 1,
)); ?>
now fron-list will start with the second post.
question no.2 I do not get: ‚without having to set in the ‚The More Tag‘ every time‘
where is latest posts?
question no.3 video embed code, is this for the latest video post? no idea, try any youtube embed code you find under the clips in youtube
Comments off: here … ff-section you could find a solution, Justin Tadlock says:
Using false removes the "Comments Off" message.
<?php comments_popup_link(‚No Comment‘, ‚One Comment‘, ‚% Comments‘, ‚comments-link‘, false); ?>
you have to change this where ever the ‚comments_popup_link‘ is called, try it in index.php in the front-list part.
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(von: Joern)
Hier noch 10 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Arthemia, language problem
4. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
Hi Joern!I can see that you are a very helpfull guy. I bought Arthemia, by ColorLabs, unfurtunally I cant get in to their support site, so I wonderet if you could help me.1.The usual wordpress lauange transmitter dosn't work for…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern
4. Sep. 2011 (von: Joern)
hi Annie, that's quite some work, you have to edit the theme files in arthemia-premium folder.let's say you take index.php or header.php (headline/featured), you should find as example:<?php comments_popup_link('No Comment', 'One Comment', '% Comments');?>In german I would change to:<?php comments_popup_link('kein…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie
5. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
Hi Joern!Thank you so much I do have so many problems with ColorLabs and Arthemia thou, when I opend my page today, everythig was a complete mess, and I can't get in contact with them. Their webpage just sends me…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie
8. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
OK, the webpage went back to normal, I calmed down, and decited to continue with Arthemia But there is still no contact to the ColorLab support theme I have four questions more, and then Im done. (I hope Can you…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie
8. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
By the way, I have seen your guide to:Modify the front page view of arthemia to show most recent (newest) post as 'headline', next four older posts as 'featured' and the subsequent posts continuing below.I don´t want to change 'featured',…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie
9. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
Hi Joern!Thank you!1. worked - its now the newest post, despite what category its in. But I would like to exclude the featured category. It must only be showed on featured, nowhere else.2. I have a One-column list, but the…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern
9. Sep. 2011 (von: Joern)
it's going to be complicated ..I just tried to 'read' index.php again and realized, that the first post here (your second oldest post) is formatted different, it shows: the_content ...the following posts show this post again, because there is an…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie
12. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
Hi Joern! Thank you!It was not so complicated, I just removed the whole list.Now there are just some cosmetic issues with my web-page, then I'm ready to go.Maybe you can help me there also?! Now that the headline category is…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern
13. Sep. 2011 (von: Joern)
Hi Annie, you are right, there is no category assigned to display.The line generating this text is in header.php, in my copy of this theme it looks like this:<div class="label"><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($ar_headline);?>"><?php single_cat_title(); ?> »</a></div>I can't open your site…
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie
13. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)
Hi Joern!It worked - again - like a charm!The dotted line reapered, but disapered in another place, when I made these changes.I probably will come back Thank you for all your help!!!Best regards Annie Weiterlesen →