
Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 4. Sep. 2011 | Keine Kommentare

hi Annie, that’s quite some work, you have to edit the theme files in arthemia-premium folder.
let’s say you take index.php or header.php (headline/featured), you should find as example:
<?php comments_popup_link(‚No Comment‘, ‚One Comment‘, ‚% Comments‘);?>
In german I would change to:

<?php comments_popup_link(‚kein Kommentar‘, ‚ein Kommentar‘, ‚% Kommentare‘);?>
same way it works with all english text you like to change to your language, like:
<?php the_content(‚Read the whole story &raquo;‘); ?>
where you could change ‚Read the whole story‘
having ‚Umlauts‘ you might have to use html entities like:
for this: fjøruti, fýrati

write in html encoded: fj&oslash;ruti, f&yacute;rati
(hope to see a difference after saving..)
best would be to find any theme localized to fo and look how they did it
you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

(von: Joern)

Hier noch 10 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Arthemia, language problem

4. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

Hi Joern!I can see that you are a very helpfull guy. I bought Arthemia, by ColorLabs, unfurtunally I cant get in to their support site, so I wonderet if you could help me.1.The usual wordpress lauange transmitter dosn't work for…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie

5. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

Hi Joern!Thank you so much I do have so many problems with ColorLabs and Arthemia thou, when I opend my page today, everythig was a complete mess, and I can't get in contact with them. Their webpage just sends me…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie

8. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

OK, the webpage went back to normal, I calmed down, and decited to continue with Arthemia But there is still no contact to the ColorLab support theme I have four questions more, and then Im done. (I hope Can you…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie

8. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

By the way, I have seen your guide to:Modify the front page view of arthemia to show most recent (newest) post as 'headline', next four older posts as 'featured' and the subsequent posts continuing below.I don´t want to change 'featured',…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern

9. Sep. 2011 (von: Joern)

to make it short (eg: I didn't test)to show your latest post in headline, no matter which category:in header.php is the query for headline posts, this query checks for the category you choose for headlines, should be now like this:<?php…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie

9. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

Hi Joern!Thank you!1. worked - its now the newest post, despite what category its in. But I would like to exclude the featured category. It must only be showed on featured, nowhere else.2. I have a One-column list, but the…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern

9. Sep. 2011 (von: Joern)

it's going to be complicated ..I just tried to 'read' index.php again and realized, that the first post here (your second oldest post) is formatted different, it shows: the_content ...the following posts show this post again, because there is an…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie

12. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

Hi Joern! Thank you!It was not so complicated, I just removed the whole list.Now there are just some cosmetic issues with my web-page, then I'm ready to go.Maybe you can help me there also?! Now that the headline category is…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Joern

13. Sep. 2011 (von: Joern)

Hi Annie, you are right, there is no category assigned to display.The line generating this text is in header.php, in my copy of this theme it looks like this:<div class="label"><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($ar_headline);?>"><?php single_cat_title(); ?> &raquo;</a></div>I can't open your site…

Re: Arthemia, language problem :: Reply by Annie

13. Sep. 2011 (von: Annie)

Hi Joern!It worked - again - like a charm!The dotted line reapered, but disapered in another place, when I made these changes.I probably will come back Thank you for all your help!!!Best regards Annie Weiterlesen →


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