that happens because the height of div id headline and div id featured is not set in style.css
you load a social sharing plugin below the image in headline section, making it higher than before.
Best would be to set a fix height for both, #headline and #featured, with the same value.
So add under #headline as well as under #featured a value like:
it might be 370px to 400px, I do not see your site…
#featured .clearfloat {
you could increase the space between the images to fill the space equally in featured.
Anyway, I would load plugins like this socializing thing not on frontpage but only on the individual single post they actually refer to.
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(von: master)
Hier noch 2 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Arthemia Free – Resizing stretch out headline picture
14. Feb. 2011 (von: Lucky500)
Sorry if this question have been covered before, but I could not find it.I am trying to figure why arthemia free is stretching the headline picture of my between headline and feature columnis there a way to have it…
Re: Arthemia Free – Resizing stretch out headline picture :: Reply by Lucky500
17. Feb. 2011 (von: Lucky500)
I didn't realize I had that plugin on the front page, I just removed it and it took care of it.THanks! Weiterlesen →