
Re: Changing category „belt“ in Arthemia to a static page :: Reply by master

von Joern am 22. Jun. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

you want 4 links going to a category and one to a page?

If the page is the first or the last in this row, it will be easier, otherwise being displayed somewhere between mor difficult, what do you want?

I need 4 category IDs and one page ID (or title)
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(von: master)

Hier noch 3 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Changing category „belt“ in Arthemia to a static page

22. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)

Hi Joern - me again! I know I've seen this elsewhere but I can't find it - have you got the code tweak for changing the category belt so that one of the 5 links goes to a static page?…

Re: Changing category „belt“ in Arthemia to a static page :: Reply by drwhom

23. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)

Howdy - the page could be linked as either the first or the last, I'm happy either way. Cat nos:9,10,11,12Single page 'win' (www.iamstaggered.com/win) Weiterlesen →

Re: Changing category „belt“ in Arthemia to a static page :: Reply by Joern

23. Jun. 2010 (von: Joern)

okay, I will put it at the end of the row.you have to modify this part in index.php, should still look similar like this now:Code:<div id="middle" class="clearfloat">   <img src="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-content/themes/arthemia/images/category.png" class="clearfloat" alt="" />   <?php $display_categories = array(9,10,11,12,xx); $i…


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