
Re: Favourite Rating :: Reply by LaaLaa Monroe

von Joern am 12. Jun. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

Once again I am forever grateful with your help. & Thank you for pointing out the code for me to remove one last thing & I shall get out of your hair lol.
I use to be on blogger but moved over to wordpress so I’ve managed to implement my google friend connect over onto my new wordpress but obviously even with that it’s not going to send them a feed to their blogger dashboard or google reader could you please tell me how I would be able to fix that, it’s the last thing I really need to sort out my site with.
Thanks Joern

(von: LaaLaa Monroe)

Hier noch 2 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Favourite Rating

12. Jun. 2010 (von: LaaLaa Monroe)

Would anyone be able to 'walk me through' how to implement this onto my wordpressFavourite Image RatingI wouldn't want it for ALL photos only selected ones also but it's getting it onto my site in the first place -wordpress newbie.…

Re: Favourite Rating :: Reply by Joern

12. Jun. 2010 (von: Joern)

LaaLaa, the walk through to implement Favourite Image Rating into a WordPress site will be longer than what is said on that site. I also searched for any one doing it in WordPress, it seems not so easy.There are quite…


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