
Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by drwhom

von Joern am 9. Jun. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

I asked the admin and this is what he said:
Project Admin
With that particular technique, as long as the subID you specify is unique, you can put whatever you like there – so yes, you could use conditionals to create your own code, like:
if author page, use a{author_id}, if category page, use c{category_id}, if page, use p{page_id}
That’s just an example, but hopefully it gives you the idea. It’s a bit more involved than standard usage, but seemed to be the best way to give people control over specific pages / areas of the site.
Alternatively I guess I could just do as you’ve suggested and put the function_exists line in the conditional statement. I’m still a little hazy about how it would look but I could try!

(von: drwhom)

Hier noch 5 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags

9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)

Hi Joern, Hope all's well with you and yours. You helped me set up my adverts to run on different pages a while ago using conditional tags. That's been great but I've recently added OIO publisher onto the site and…

Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by master

9. Jun. 2010 (von: master)

checking on OIO publisher I guess they would like the plugin code oiopub_banner_zone.. to be loaded with all pages and posts.You create the zones for Text Ads | Banner Ads | Inline Ads | Posts etc and insert the code…

Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by drwhom

9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)

Brill, my question though is how would I phrase that in code? Does this look like it would break!?Code:<?phpif(function_exists('oiopub_banner_zone')) {$zone_id = 1;$options = array( 'subid' => $page_id 'wedding-speeches');$zone_id = 2;$options = ... Weiterlesen →

Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by master

9. Jun. 2010 (von: master)

this might be a way outside your 'conditions', not shure if $page_id 'best-man' works as they talk about $blog_id..I would create different zones, as explained above and put them in your existing conditions.As sample:<?php if ( is_page('Favourbrook'... Weiterlesen →

Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by drwhom

9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)

Wow Joern, I followed your advice and it works like a charm. All the code looks a lot neater now and the ad interface is a lot more professional, so a HUGE thank-you (as ever) to you. Weiterlesen →


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