checking on OIO publisher I guess they would like the plugin code oiopub_banner_zone.. to be loaded with all pages and posts.
You create the zones for Text Ads | Banner Ads | Inline Ads | Posts etc and insert the code it gives for each zone into the place you want.
Advertiser can select in advertisers view which kind of add in which place they want to purchase.
‚And how would I specify it to say that this belongs ONLY on the wedding speeches page?‘
This might be the problem…
Let’s say you put the code for oiopub_banner_zone(1.. in a conditional tag only for the wedding speeches page, ie "if ( is_page(‚wedding-speeches‘)", the plugin will show only here the purchased adds.
No idea how to tell this to the advertiser.
regardless of this you can set up new zones, ie oiopub_banner_zone(2.. and put these in the conditional tag for other pages or categories.
This zones you can give a title like: wedding speeches sidebar for zone1
wedding accessories sidebar for zone2 etc
If you got the plugin, you could try it out by putting it additionally to an existing page like
banner zone1 to wedding-accessories
banner zone2 to wedding-ties-explained
for each zone you create you will get a new line of code in the plugins admin panel.
code inside the else statement will show only if none of the conditions above are true.
code just after <div id="sidebar-ads"> before any condition will show always.
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(von: master)
Hier noch 5 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags
9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)
Hi Joern, Hope all's well with you and yours. You helped me set up my adverts to run on different pages a while ago using conditional tags. That's been great but I've recently added OIO publisher onto the site and…
Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by drwhom
9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)
Brill, my question though is how would I phrase that in code? Does this look like it would break!?Code:<?phpif(function_exists('oiopub_banner_zone')) {$zone_id = 1;$options = array( 'subid' => $page_id 'wedding-speeches');$zone_id = 2;$options = ... Weiterlesen →
Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by master
9. Jun. 2010 (von: master)
this might be a way outside your 'conditions', not shure if $page_id 'best-man' works as they talk about $blog_id..I would create different zones, as explained above and put them in your existing conditions.As sample:<?php if ( is_page('Favourbrook'... Weiterlesen →
Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by drwhom
9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)
I asked the admin and this is what he said: ___________Project AdminWith that particular technique, as long as the subID you specify is unique, you can put whatever you like there - so yes, you could use conditionals to create…
Re: Formatting header and sidebar adverts with conditional tags :: Reply by drwhom
9. Jun. 2010 (von: drwhom)
Wow Joern, I followed your advice and it works like a charm. All the code looks a lot neater now and the ad interface is a lot more professional, so a HUGE thank-you (as ever) to you. Weiterlesen →