
Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by omerkhan01

von Joern am 21. Mai. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

By the way, how would you add a boxed border around each post.
I know it has to do with
background: url(../images/pborder.jpg) no-repeat bottom;
and then top, left, right.
Like if I wanted to create a box around each post.
For instance, on my[url=mmtest1.byethost22.com]site[/url]The left column in index.php is controled by
Let’s say some code inside of a Div="leftcolumn" region.
I want each post in the category of let’s say Ammazing Articles to have a thick border on all sides
So would that mean
creating a div region and then

in CSS

controlling border-top




and then border: solid; border-width: thin; etc.
I want basically Joern,
to Divide my posts into square boxes and have a border around them.

(von: omerkhan01)

Hier noch 7 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery

21. Mai. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)

Hey Joern, I am using this image slideshow plug in called FCG Featured Content Gallery on one of my test development blogs.maaximummedia.byethost7.comHere is their web page.You can log in to my account with adminironman21The Gallery works ... Weiterlesen →

Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by Joern

21. Mai. 2010 (von: Joern)

first: from upper post about 3rd column off:there is a div borderright around that div homerightcol which makes this problemthe styling: actually you put a div id or class around some content and give it a name, like there is…

Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by omerkhan01

21. Mai. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)

That makes excellent sense!. I am getting this. Thanks man! i am going to try it and let you know.Omar Weiterlesen →

Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by omerkhan01

21. Mai. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)

That makes excellent sense!. I am getting this. Thanks man! i am going to try it and let you know.Omar Weiterlesen →

Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by omerkhan01

21. Mai. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)

It worked perfectly, Now what if I wanted to create some cell padding or space from one block to anotherSo it it is not likeUUbutUUActually I figured it out. I put a after the </div> tag after the endwhile statement.Also,…

Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by Joern

21. Mai. 2010 (von: Joern)

Oh Omar, do not put <b> or <br /> or any styles directly in a .php file.This is what a style sheet is for.try.frontpost {border:3px solid #CCCCCC;margin-top:10px;}to get a distance from box to boxwith another background and bold font and…

Re: this is unbelievable. FCG Featured Content Gallery :: Reply by omerkhan01

22. Mai. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)

Hey man, I got how to configure the div frontpost. I mean the entire white background of the blog. Or the background behind the blog.So you see the blog container is white. How do you make it black. I tried…


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