
Re: Need a static text box on home page :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 12. Mai. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

Hi, could you explain more detailed where you want to display this description?

On all pages or posts or categories?

Or just above the single post?
If you want to show on every view of your site, best place is under the navigation bar in header.php.
If only above the current headline section which shows on ‚Home‘ than the place to insert some text is index.php
on single posts it would be single.php
going to sleep now, can answer in some hours only
to learn the lesson is just half the objective …
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(von: Joern)

Hier noch 3 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Need a static text box on home page

12. Mai. 2010 (von: kinyofu)

Hi Joern,I'm not sure if I need another headline section or what, but I'd like to put a few lines of text at the top of my page (above the current article). I need this text to be a static…

Re: Need a static text box on home page :: Reply by kinyofu

13. Mai. 2010 (von: kinyofu)

I would like the static text on the pages only (About, Subscribe, Tools, etc.,) especially the home page. Right under the navigation bar is perfect. Weiterlesen →

Re: Need a static text box on home page :: Reply by Joern

13. Mai. 2010 (von: Joern)

I would do like this: put it in header.php and use conditional tags to load on 'home' and on 'pages' only.The way to go: (MAKE BACKUP FIRST by copy and paste full file content to a text file on your…


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