
Re: IE 6 content div goes down + different single page for particular category :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 3. Mai. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

there might be something too wide in your sidebar?
It could be

#sidebar-left {


this margin might be to wide, try a lower value or even remove this.
To get a special single for a certain category I use a switch in single.php
I replace <?php get_header(); ?> IN SINGLE.PHP with this as example:

<?php if ( in_category(‚7‘) ) { // do not forget closing bracket at end of single.php
include ’single-cat-7.php‘;
} elseif ( in_category(’13‘) ) {
include ’single-cat-13.php‘;
} elseif ( in_category(’36‘) ) {
include ’single-cat-36.php‘;
} else { get_header(); ?>

<?php } // end in category switch ?>
Finally you replaced something on top and on bottom of this file.
Now, if wordpress looks for a single post (not a page!) it will get single.php first. BUT if this post is in category 7 it will load single-cat-7.php or if in category 13 it loads single-cat-13.php
This singlexxx.php are just a copy of the normal single.php and can be modified. These singlexxx.php custom files start just with <?php get_header(); ?> as usual, NO SWITCH IN THESE FILES AGAIN..
Try it, works fine for me, tell me the results pls..
you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

(von: Joern)

Hier noch 3 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

IE 6 content div goes down + different single page for particular category

3. Mai. 2010 (von: qtest)

HiI have made few changes to the structure to the free arthemia theme www.energybusiness.in. I've compressed the width of 'Headline' and 'Featured' div's and sidebar starts from top. I've moved the sidebar code above the content in the source code…

Re: IE 6 content div goes down + different single page for particular category :: Reply by qtest

4. Mai. 2010 (von: qtest)

Thanks.I'll implement the switch in a couple of days (right now I am working on it) and let u know if I experience any problem.I've checked the sidebar and found nothing. I don't think sidebar is a problem bcoz within…

Re: IE 6 content div goes down + different single page for particular category :: Reply by Joern

4. Mai. 2010 (von: Joern)

actually I would not care about IE6, I can't check this problem.I can see however that you load the sidebar first, floating right with a width of 320px.this follows your div id top which has no width assigned and takes…


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