
Images not showing on Homepage – thumb.php issue

von Joern am 19. Apr. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

Hi Joern,
I have installed the theme Matipid by Pad Solutions on my test site at www.stonedesign.netai.net but the thumbnail images aren’t showing in my blog posts on the homepage, although they are showing if you go into the actual post.
All the research i’ve done seems to point at it being an issue with the timthumb image resizer. I’ve no idea what i’m doing with php so if you can see what the issue is, please explain simply.
Please could you take a look?
Many thanks,

(von: ben1)

Hier noch 5 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Re: Images not showing on Homepage – thumb.php issue :: Reply by master

19. Apr. 2010 (von: master)

your image is loaded correctly by the theme and thumb.php, but you are right, it's not to see.I guess the script is not caching the image. Did you make the cache folder ...matipidfunctionsthumbcache writeable? This folder (cache) should be set…

Re: Images not showing on Homepage – thumb.php issue :: Reply by ben1

19. Apr. 2010 (von: ben1)

Hi thanks for your reply.The cache folder is set to 755. There are no files in the cache folder.I just tried the new timthumb script and set up the ...matipidfunctionsthumbtemp folder (as 755) and unfortunately this didn't work either.I am…

Re: Images not showing on Homepage – thumb.php issue :: Reply by master

19. Apr. 2010 (von: master)

try also 777, if it's still not working then you should try to get your site's error.log, it will tell you something.Going to my karate training now...____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

Re: Images not showing on Homepage – thumb.php issue :: Reply by ben1

20. Apr. 2010 (von: ben1)

I've tried 777 and 755 but with no luck. I've also been routing around my control panel (000Webhosting) but can't locate my site's error.logThere are files appearing in the cache folder now... Weiterlesen →

Re: Images not showing on Homepage – thumb.php issue :: Reply by master

20. Apr. 2010 (von: master)

the files in your cache are actually the resized images:http://www.stonedesign.netai.net/wp-con ... 8e235c.pngI do not know why they are not displayed.. error.log would be helpfullThe theme you use is not valid xhtml, check here:http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http% ... or%2F1.767most important is in your header.php…


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