
recent spam mails

von blogdot admin am 7. Mrz. 2010 | 1 Kommentar

The issuer of your credit card we were advised that a card associated with your informations has been reported as stolen or lost

coming from cjlu edu cn


We recently have determined an fraudulent wire transfert from your Credit Card. We now need you to re-confirm your informations.
Your Credit Card has been restricted for the following reason:

The issuer of your credit card we were advised that a card associated with your informations has been reported as stolen or lost, or there are other problems with your card. For more information about the problem with your card, please contact the card issuer.

www verifiedbyvisa com

->this links to xdrivrs45.ns11-wistee.fr/www.verifedbyvisa.fr/index.php in source of mail

How can I restore my credit card ?

Please consult http://www.verifiedbyvisa.com/ and follow the disputes procedure of removing restrictions.

->this also links to xdrivrs45.ns11-wistee.fr/www.verifedbyvisa.fr/index.php in source of mail

Failure to complete all steps of the checklist immediately restore normal you credit card.

Another one:

Amazon.com – Your Cancellation (5835-32704-075143)

coming from lwxpu biux at msa hinet net

Dear Customer,

Your order has been successfully canceled. For your reference, here`s a summary of your order:

You just canceled order #2462-8334276-91190



Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC

->this links to www musikidemeti com dominick.html


Because you only pay for items when we ship them to you, you won`t be charged for any items that you cancel.

Thank you for visiting Amazon.com!

Earth`s Biggest Selection
www amazon com

bei mails wie diesen schaue ich mir meist den Quelltext der Email an, wenn die dann aus China (.cn) kommen oder zu externen Seiten weiterleiten, kann man das getrost als Spam einstufen.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Get Your Free iPhone 4 sagt:

    Have to say, thank you unbelievably for this site!!
    Not often you find a decent website which isn’t just trying to scam you anymore :P

    I’ve already saved it so I can come back to it! :)

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