
Paypal-Spam: Your Account has limitation! You can resolve this now.

von blogdot admin am 12. Sep. 2015 | Keine Kommentare

Vorsicht bei folgender E-Mail: ANHANG BESSER NICHT ÖFFNEN!!

Dear PayPal customer,

It looks like someone else may have acces to your account,

so we’ve temporarily locked it to keep your

Date & Time: September 11/09, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan
Hostname: 60-251-64-152.HINET-IP.hinet.net

informations in safe. To unlock your account, you may
need to pass a security check. Note that attempting to

Please update your account promptly so that you can continue using all the benefits of your PayPal account.

1- Download the attached document and open it in a secure browser.

2- Follow the verification process and give us your correct information.



23.09.2015 noch ein Beispiel..

Vorsicht bei folgender E-Mail: ANHANG BESSER NICHT ÖFFNEN!!

Dear PayPal Customer,

We requested information from you for the following reasons:

We recently received a report of unauthorized credit card use associated with this account.

As a precaution we have limited access to your PayPal account in order to protect against future unauthorized transactions.

Please download the form attachment to this email and open it in a web browser.

Case ID Number:PP-596-573-917

Once opened, you will have to complete the steps to restore your paypal access. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure account safety.

Sincerely, PayPal

Copyright © 1999-2015 PayPal. All rights reserved.

Anhang: PP-503-472-569.htm

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