
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Ich denke bei Google hat man viel zu tun, wenn ein so 'heißes' Thema wie das mit diesen aufgetauchten Bildern des High School Musical Stars rundgeht. Man bekommt seine Website recht schnell gesperrt, wenn der Inhalt auch nur eines Beitrags…

von Joern
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good, thank you,there is still an image not loading on your site:#navbar-wrapper { width:960px; background: url(images/navbar-wrapper.png);}it's not needed anyway so you could uncomment or delete that line like this:/* background: url(images/navbar-wrapper.png); */more again, (sorry I am 'playing' with your css..)the…

von Joern
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hey still working and editing my arthemia theme and there is a small fix that has really been bugging me but I want it fixed. I would like the posts that show up in my headline/featured to not show up…

von Joern
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Hey all, First off, I've been lurking for about a year and this forum has been a GREAT source of knowledge. Now... onto the problem. This seems to only be happening in IE, all pages look fine in Firefox. Not…