
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Download and Demo link for the theme Coloured Dust The free Coloured Dust Theme features Unique layout Full WordPress 2.9 Post Thumbnail support by enabling this feature A drop down navigation menu for pages Admin options for navigation bar with…

von Joern
5 Kommentare

Screenshots of available themes: (quite old, still working, please replace timthumb script with latest secure version...) aranovo2 WordPress theme Theme Description: Aranovo2 theme is using an image (post) slider for the first five posts on the frontpage. Images you can…

Category view in Arthemia optimized

von Joern
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Question: Can you display headline & featured block to each category and sub-category with different content like Arthemia already have on frontpage? Answer: There is of course a way. Wordpress takes in Arthemia theme the file archive.php if you select…

von blogdot admin
Kommentare deaktiviert für youtube debate

Turn your question into a video and you could see it broadcast and answered on live TV! - schreibt YouTube auf seiner Homepage. Weiterhin: "This summer and fall, YouTube, CNN and a few engaged and engaging citizens will make political…