
the info you need to know

von blogdot admin
2 Kommentare

There is a trojan around infecting sites with a encrypted script starting 'var zaee="4.5*2,4.5*' and iframe src linking to zxstats com and bali-planet com This script is to find right after the body tag of index.html files and infects the PC of a visitor by loading an .exe file. This…

von Joern
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HiBetween my navigation bar, and slider, I have a horrible gap that appears in IE6 and 7I'm guessing it's to do with floats?Here's my code:Code:<div id="header-container"><div id="head" class="clearfloat">      <div class="clearfloat">         <div id="logo" class="left">            /"><img src="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-content/themes/arthemia/images/logo.gif" width="976px" height="86px" alt="" />       …