
the info you need to know

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

Brill, my question though is how would I phrase that in code? Does this look like it would break!?Code:<?phpif(function_exists('oiopub_banner_zone')) {$zone_id = 1;$options = array( 'subid' => $page_id 'wedding-speeches');$zone_id = 2;$options = array( 'subid' => $page_id 'best-man');$zone_id = 3;$options = array(…

von blogdot admin
2 Kommentare

did you realize that in the latest version of the WordPress plugin Simple Tags the 'auto link tags into post content' is not working? The solution how to repair is to edit your plugins/simple-tags/inc/client.php Open this file with a text…