
Set font size range for hot tags in bb_tag_heat_map

von Joern am 3. Mai. 2009 | Keine Kommentare

As long tags got truncated in by overflow hidden in my hot tags display, I looked for a way to adjust the size for biggest and smallest tags in this BBPress heatmap.
That’s by far not as easy as in WordPress itself, not just an option or a matter of style.css.
In BBPress you have to pass a parameter to <?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?>

You find this call in front-page.php of your template (theme)
Default on my forum was 8pt and 22pt for smallest and largest, to change this I succeeded by changing <?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?> to

<?php bb_tag_heat_map(array( ’smallest‘ => 10, ‚largest‘ => 30, ‚unit‘ => ‚px‘, ‚limit‘ => 40 )); ?>
or to get points pt again another parameter:

<?php bb_tag_heat_map(array( ’smallest‘ => 8, ‚largest‘ => 18, ‚unit‘ => ‚pt‘, ‚limit‘ => 40 )); ?>
Just try if that works for you to change the size of your tag cloud in BBPress.
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(von: master)

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Re: Where to put mega tags and description in blog’s template? :: Reply by Joern

18. Jan. 2011 (von: Joern)

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Re: Where to put mega tags and description in blog’s template? :: Reply by Joern

19. Jan. 2011 (von: Joern)

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Re: Where to put mega tags and description in blog’s template? :: Reply by omerkhan01

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Re: Where to put mega tags and description in blog’s template? :: Reply by Joern

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Re: Placing Other Categories in the Featured-Section :: Reply by Joern

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Re: Placing Other Categories in the Featured-Section :: Reply by raf_79

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Re: Placing Other Categories in the Featured-Section :: Reply by Joern

28. Jan. 2011 (von: Joern)

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Re: how to add link to Flash :: Reply by Joern

28. Jan. 2011 (von: Joern)

I think the link has to be in the flash .swf file itself.____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

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Re: Need a fix for Navbar Tabs :: Reply by Joern

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Re: how to add link to Flash :: Reply by mareaa

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Re: Site Breaks Apart in IE :: Reply by Joern

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Re: Image uploading to profile fails in mozilla :: Reply by Joern

31. Jan. 2011 (von: Joern)

You should ask your social network for help or use another browser. It will not be a daily task to change your profile image, right?____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

Re: how to add link to Flash :: Reply by niiki

31. Jan. 2011 (von: niiki)

thanks for your replies, very informative and helped alot. Weiterlesen →

Re: Site Breaks Apart in IE :: Reply by raf_79

31. Jan. 2011 (von: raf_79)

I have sent you the site link via your email. Did not post here as site is not yet live. Thank you again for taking a look at this. Weiterlesen →


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