
the info you need to know

von Joern
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using Code:<?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_excerpt(), 25, '' ); ?> is good as long you do not need more words than are in the_excerptyou can also use wp_trim_words with get_the_content like this:Code:echo wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 60 );to get 60 wordsBUT! there will be all shortcodes visible in this truncated text!To strip the…

von Joern
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I just used a post-rating plugin (WP-PostRatings) a while ago, I got the feeling it blows up the database, made the site slow due to many queries and - these plugins do not bring you any more visitors.AJAX uses JavaScript to generate new page content and search engine robots can…

von Joern
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Someone asked if it's enough to put a H1 tag around the title of his Arthemia site to make the template more SEO friendly.My opinion I want to give you here:looking at your (or any other) site with styles disabled or 'view - no styles' you can see how a…