can anyone give me a hint how to show the first tag associated with a post only and leave other tags out? I need this for the tab titles of a tabbed content for tags.
(von: f-t-cat)
Hier noch 38 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Re: how to show only the first tag of a post in WordPress :: Reply by Joern
16. Mai. 2009 (von: Joern)
this code should echo only one (first) tag of a post, you should use it inside the loop or create a loop around this:Code:<?php $mytags = get_the_tags() ; $count=0;if (!empty($mytags)) {foreach($mytags as $tag) { $count++;if (1 == $count) { echo…
Classic Arthemia 2
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
Hello,I just want to ask if you released another version of classic arthemia with all of your edits like slider?And i just want to ask for a copy.. Thanks.. Weiterlesen →
Re: Classic Arthemia 2 :: Reply by master
28. Apr. 2011 (von: master)
you can have any theme I display on my free themes for WordPress site: on top of this site there is a theme-switcher to switch through.In case you do not find a download link for the theme you like: ask…
Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
Hello admins,I like to adopt some of arthemia premium on my arthemia free version, like last video post and random post and the division of 2 post at the bottom..Could you help me to do that? I tried editing copying…
Query regarding slidshow using jquey
28. Apr. 2011 (von: sim_a1)
hi im using arthemia free theme. and your post for slideshow using jquery was very helpful i must say. But i got stuck in one situation.The code that you provided for index.php I cant figure out where exactly i have…
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by saber210
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
is this code you talking about?Code:<?php if(file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . '/myslider.php')) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/myslider.php'); } ?>paste this below theCode:<?php get_header(); ?>Picture are not showing on localhost.. but if you uploa... Weiterlesen →
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by Joern
28. Apr. 2011 (von: Joern)
I guess you refer to this post:viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79as I explained I inserted the code to load the slider<?php if(file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . '/featuresslide.php')) {include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/featuresslide.php'); } ?>below the part which loads the category part.This is in my sample-site in index.php just…
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by sim_a1
28. Apr. 2011 (von: sim_a1)
Well im first trying to get it work on my pc i.e localhost but it did not work out. so i cant provide you the link. i hope you understand. Also i would like to ask you one question if…
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by saber210
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
I already tried to study arthemia bronze because it has the 2 column post that I need..But I cant figure what code does this function..Please help me Joern Weiterlesen →
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by Joern
28. Apr. 2011 (von: Joern)
to get the author displayed you have to add: <?php the_author(); ?>in arthemia index.php (main page) best in div class="meta"Code:<div class="meta">[<?php the_time('j M Y') ?> | <?php comments_popup_link('No Comment', 'One Comment', '% Comments');?> | <?php if(function_exists('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?>]</div>for…
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by saber210
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
@sim_41The image will not show if you use localhost.. I already tried that. @JoernThemes on your site are not currently working.. It produces errors and nothere.php is missing from the theme pack..I tried to study how your 2 column post…
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by Joern
28. Apr. 2011 (von: Joern)
that's not as easy, the secret is in these lines<?php if( $odd = $i%2 ) { echo '<div class="clearfloat brdrd">'; } ?><div class="frontbox <?php if( $odd = $i%2 ) { echo 'left'; } else { echo 'right'; } ?>">if is…
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by saber210
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
Yeah, Already tried that, but the arthemix bronze is not working anymore..Could you please update that?Code:<?php if( $odd = $i%2 ) { echo '<div class="clearfloat brdrd">'; } ?><div class="frontbox <?php if( $odd = $i%2 ) { echo 'left'; } else…
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by Joern
28. Apr. 2011 (von: Joern)
I think I updated the zip to not show columns anymore??!!Just downloaded it and put it on site as Arthemix-Bronze-testbut arthemix green should still have this code, actually the same theme but different colours .... Weiterlesen →
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by saber210
28. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
nice theme.. Thanks im gonna edit that...But how can i put the category bar of arthemia here? I like those feature on arthemia so putting that here is i think a great feature.. Weiterlesen →
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by saber210
29. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
I found another problem on aranovo post wont show up on the home page of my page..look at the picture..and also the arthemix green doesnt also work.. I think the wordpress update cause that..Could you please check?Thanks! Weiterlesen →
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by saber210
29. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
Heres the pic: ... estPIC.png Weiterlesen →
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by Joern
29. Apr. 2011 (von: Joern)
My suggestion would be:If you want to go with a theme using timthumb, try to get Arthemia running as it is first.For a theme like this it is important! to have more than only three posts in your blog.Arthemia needs…
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by saber210
29. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)
Thanks for your reply..I just want to ask, how can i know if my theme is clean from any viruses? because the arthemia premium I posted in this thread is pirated..Is there any harm using that theme? and can colorlabs…
Re: Adopting Some of Arthemia Premium :: Reply by Joern
29. Apr. 2011 (von: Joern)
I thought already to remove this link, it's not fair for the creator of the theme.Long time ago I also used a copy of Arthemia Premium like this, just for reference.If the copy is clean you can only check by…
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by sim_a1
1. Mai. 2011 (von: sim_a1)
Well thanks alot for your help and i really appreciate that.. Now the author name is displayed in every article..As saber said that the images will not appear if im doin it on localhost.. i understand that.. but there is…
Re: Query regarding slidshow using jquey :: Reply by Joern
2. Mai. 2011 (von: Joern)
@sim_a1some posts above:viewtopic.php?f=1&t=266I explained where I use it.See sample on: GONEthis slider (slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) under the category-bar!) uses only the width of the content, the sidebar is still beside... Weiterlesen →
Random Post
5. Mai. 2011 (von: saber210)
Hello Joern,I need your help.. I just found out this code on arthemia premium and it works well on arthemia free..I just want to customize it a little more.. I tried to edit the code all by myself but I…
Re: Random Post :: Reply by Joern
5. Mai. 2011 (von: Joern)
can't see it on your site in the moment.First I would try to set in this line:Code:$randompost = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 12");the LIMIT to 18Code:$randompost = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT…
Re: Random Post :: Reply by Joern
5. Mai. 2011 (von: Joern)
Oh, I think you have the random posts in the featured section?One hint, uncomment in style.css near line 390 the position: absolute; and left: 780px;like this:#featured { float: right; font-size: 12px;/* left: 780px; */ padding: 5px 5px 0 1... Weiterlesen…