
food diary – count calories online!

von blogdot admin am 8. Jul. 2008 | 4 Kommentare

Keep a record of what you eat and you will lose twice as much weight as those who do not.

Keeping a food diary and using a calorie calculator to count calories will give you a snapshot of your eating habits. A Center for Health Research found out: „Those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records“ So while you track and analyze your nutrition you lose more weight!

Why not try „My Food Diary“ (makes counting calories easy) on www.myfooddiary.com

4 Kommentare

  1. J.Salvas sagt:

    Hi, I purchased this book last month. I was hoping I could at least make the minimum 10 days the book says. I am currently on day 22. I have lost 27lbs. I was in size 16 (womens) and I wore a large size 10 pants last night to a fire work funtion. My friends were suprised. I still need to loose 20 more lbs or so, So I am staying on it at least a total of 30 days. The first week is hard and a lot of people give up but if you are determined to get the weight off this totally works, and it is not just water weight!!! I am so happy. Also I have five kids at home and I still have the energy to care for them and chase them around too!

  2. This book is awesome! I am so glad I found it and I highly recommend it to anyone starting the master cleanse or lemonade diet.

    EN Maryland

  3. Celine Desisles sagt:

    I have been using Acai Opitmum supplement and it has worked well for me along with a diet and exercise. Are you using a diet supplement too?

  4. Joselyn Ubaldo sagt:

    I’ve been trying to lose weight for many weeks. Pills, diets, programs… nothing worked well! Towards the end I realised that I had to change my eating habits and sweat. I’m losing a lb a week by eating five-hundred calories less than I burn each day :-)

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