
the info you need to know

Technische Umsetzung einer Internetpräsenz

von Joern
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Websites werden vorwiegend in der plattformunabhängigen Auszeichnungssprache HTML oder XHTML geschrieben, um zu gewährleisten, dass sie von möglichst allen Browsern dargestellt werden können. Öfters wird die Website mit CSS programmiert, denn so kann das Design besser gestaltet werden. Bei aufwendigeren…

von Joern
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Links generating 404 error, how to find and fix the broken links, following links will not work.. You tried to get these pages, sorry there is no content! /register.php /register/ /sql/ /tiki-register.php /timthumb/script/ /wp-config.php /wp-content/displayViews.do.htm /wp-content/logon/hmrc/allaccounts/northern/northernrock.co.uk.htm /wp-content/plugins/auto-attachments/a-a.css /wp-content/plugins/awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin/README.txt /wp-content/plugins/backupwordpress/backupwordpress.mo /wp-content/plugins/backwpup/backwpup-functions.php…

von Joern
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just testing code.button functionCode:function bbcode_buttons() {$tags = bb_allowed_tags();echo  "<scr"."ipt type='text/javascript' defer='defer'>   function BBcodeButtons_init() {test codebutton using pre code /code /pre[pre]Code:function BBcodeButtonsToolbar() {if (typeof bbField == 'undefined') {bbField = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];}if (bbField) {smilieCount=0, BBcodeButtons = new Array(), edOpenTags = new Array();BBcodeButtons_init(); var…

von Joern
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the problem are the links to the images in your posts.Taking just one image from the site on the new server:<img alt="SEXY WILDERNESS" src="http://www.maaximumman.com/wp-content/themes/Emporium/thumb.php?src=http://codeglam.com/v1/wp-content/uploads/products_img/test3.jpg&w=336&zc=1&q=80&bid=1">It takes the script from maaximumman and the location of the image is codeglam...By moving to a…