
Re: how to display posts dated one year ago in sidebar :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 12. Feb. 2009 | Keine Kommentare

Another piece of code to get 4 random old post listed in your sidebar.php of wordpress is this:

<h3>Oldies but Goodies</h3>
<?php global $wp_query; $rndposts = get_posts('numberposts=4&offset=15&orderby=rand()');
 foreach($rndposts as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>

put this code anywhere in your sidebar and find random old post titles with link in there.
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(von: Joern)

Hier noch 240 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

how to display posts dated one year ago in sidebar

11. Feb. 2009 (von: f-t-cat)

hi, i would like to show some posts from about one year ago in the sidebar of my WordPress blog.Can you help me? Weiterlesen →

Re: how to display posts dated one year ago in sidebar :: Reply by Joern

11. Feb. 2009 (von: Joern)

@cat:to get the posts of the current month and current year you find this code in WordPress Codex:Code:<?php $current_month = date('m'); ?><?php $current_year = date('Y'); ?><?php query_posts("cat=22&year=$current_year&monthnum=$current_month&order=ASC"); ?><!-- put your loop here -->With this code and a modified current_year variable…

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Re: how to show only the first tag of a post in WordPress :: Reply by Joern

16. Mai. 2009 (von: Joern)

this code should echo only one (first) tag of a post, you should use it inside the loop or create a loop around this:Code:<?php $mytags = get_the_tags() ; $count=0;if (!empty($mytags)) {foreach($mytags as $tag) { $count++;if (1 == $count) { echo…

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Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by master

19. Jul. 2009 (von: master)

In arthemia you could take the code below as modified comments.php<?php// Do not delete these lines if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && 'comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) die ('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!'); if ( post_password_required() ) { ?> <p class="nocomments">This post…

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Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by member

28. Dez. 2009 (von: member)

Hello,Thank you for the reply.So basically I open comments.php, select it all, delete it and out in:Code:<?php// Do not delete these linesif (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && 'comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))die ('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!');if ( post_password_required() ) { ?><p…

Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by Joern

28. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

that's right, replace actually the whole file with this new content.Finally the bigger problem is the style.css, you have to add new code and delete old stuff as it will not display correctly with all left in.____________________you find me on…

Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by member

28. Dez. 2009 (von: member)

Hello,It doesn't seem to work for me.I have a plugin installed for threaded comments but this theme breaks it by putting the break in between.However I ignored the plugin and edited the code and when I replied it didn't become…

Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by Joern

29. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

did you enable threaded (nested) comments under Settings - Discussions?Set it to minimum 2 levels deep to work____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by member

29. Dez. 2009 (von: member)

Yes I did. And it doesn't come out 'nested'. If I reply, the reply comes right at the end instead of next to the person's comment. Weiterlesen →

Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by Joern

29. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

is your site online? for me it works as can be seen here:T-Rex 450 XL mit Fusuno retract kit____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

Re: threaded comments in theme arthemia, how to :: Reply by member

29. Dez. 2009 (von: member)

okay it works now when I disabled the plugin.arabic doesn't work.do you know how to fix it? Weiterlesen →

Re: Position a div absolute on top and align it center with CSS :: Reply by qtest

5. Apr. 2010 (von: qtest)

How can I have a fixed div at the bottom of the browser containing newsletter subscription field and/or RSS feed and/or Social Media icons? Something like http://garcya.us/ Also suggest which plugin I should use for newsletter subscription.Zafar http:/... Weiterlesen →

Re: Position a div absolute on top and align it center with CSS :: Reply by master

5. Apr. 2010 (von: master)

to get a div staying on bottom and not scrolling use something like:#bottomfx {background:transparent;bottom:0;height:40px;left:0;position:fixed;width:100%;}and put your submit form in a div id bottomfxin your case just try to give your #bookmarks the... Weiterlesen →

Re: Position a div absolute on top and align it center with CSS :: Reply by master

5. Apr. 2010 (von: master)

I see you just put it there, but your tag cloud is in front of it.The swf has to be in transparent mode, you can try to set this in WP-Cumulus Options under 'use transparent mode'____________________you find me on Google+,…

Modify Arthemia WP Theme

1. Nov. 2010 (von: ambermck)

Hi everyone!I recently installed Arthemia on my WP site, and need to make a couple of changes. Can anyone help with this:1.) How do I move the category bar up so that it is below the nav bar? I have…

Re: Modify Arthemia WP Theme :: Reply by f-t-cat

1. Nov. 2010 (von: f-t-cat)

to move the category bar up you have to edit index.php in your arthemia theme folder.It looks now something like this:Code:<?php get_header(); ?>   <?php if(!is_paged()) { ?>   <div id="top" class="clearfloat">      <div id="headline">here is a lot of stuff for headline........ …


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